Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum Support

As a certified birth and bereavement doula, fertility coach, and trauma specialist, I offer support and resources for individuals and couples who are pregnant after experiencing infertility or loss as well as those who are currently preparing for/going through a loss.

Bereavement doula services are always free of charge. If you’ve received a fatal diagnosis or learned that your baby no longer has a heartbeat, if you’ve been diagnosed with an ectopic or molar pregnancy, or if you’ve had to make the difficult choice to terminate your pregnancy for any reason, I just want to say I am so sorry. As your doula, I can help you prepare both physically and emotionally for the birth of your baby and walk alongside you through every step of the process in any trimester of pregnancy. Whether your loss occurred at 4 weeks or 41 weeks, you are deserving of support.

Whether your birth occurs in the first trimester or at full-term, whether you are preparing to give birth to a healthy baby or if you are preparing to give birth to say goodbye to your baby, you are deserving of empowered choices and support.

Preparing for any type of birth is vulnerable and can feel really scary, and my hope is to be a safe place for you to prepare for your birth and to walk alongside you every step of the way. Together, we will identify healthy coping strategies to overcome fear and anxiety during your pregnancy and delivery, identify your birth preferences and create a strategy to communicate your preferences to your provider, learn and practice effective strategies to minimize physical pain and discomfort, empower you to learn about all of your options for birth and to help you feel confident in your decisions and your birth team, and help you prepare for your postpartum journey and experience.

Pregnancy after loss or infertility is challenging.

Every pregnant person is deserving of trauma-informed care, advocacy, empathy, and support- especially those who are pregnant after experiencing infertility or loss. Lindsay is a certified birth and bereavement doula and has specialized training to provide education and emotional support throughout all stages of pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum.

As your doula, I will provide you with unbiased support and evidence-based information so that you can feel empowered to make informed decisions throughout your pregnancy and birth. Pregnancy after infertility or loss can be really challenging emotionally, and we will work together to find effective ways to minimize your anxiety in pregnancy, respond to triggers, make informed decisions, reclaim your joy, and prepare for the birth of your baby. All doula services include a birth plan (I like to call them “birth preferences”.. because let’s be honest, there’s a lot about the process of pregnancy and birth that we just can’t “plan”!) and postpartum support.

All doula services are designed to give you a strong foundation and put the right tools, knowledge, and skills in your back pocket you can continue to use over and over throughout your life wherever your journey takes you.

If you’d like to learn more about doula services, let’s set up your 15-minute consultation.

Bereavement services are always free of charge.

If you’ve received a fatal diagnosis, learned that your baby no longer has a heartbeat, have been diagnosed with an ectopic or molar pregnancy, or have had to make the difficult choice to terminate your pregnancy for any reason, I am so sorry. Whether you are preparing to miscarry or deliver your baby vaginally or if you are preparing for a surgical procedure like a D & C, D & E, laparoscopy, or cesarean section- as your doula, I can help you prepare both physically and emotionally and walk alongside you through every step of the process in any trimester of pregnancy. Whether your loss occurred at 4 weeks or 41 weeks, you are deserving of support. To inquire about bereavement doula services, please email or text Lindsay at or 864-757-4740. You are not alone.

Catalyst for Courage recognizes and supports individuals and couples pregnant after all types of infertility & loss, as well as those who are pregnant and preparing for a loss in any trimester of pregnancy, including but not limited to “chemical” pregnancy, miscarriage, blighted ovum, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, fetal reduction, abortion, termination for medical reasons, fatal fetal diagnosis or life limiting diagnosis, fetal demise, stillbirth, and neonatal death.

What people are saying.

“Lindsay helped me really understand how to honor our journey through its highs and lows and showed me it’s ok to talk about the babies we’ve lost. Lindsay helped us stay focused and positive to get to where we are with our rainbow baby today. Her positivity is contagious and her honesty is inspiring. Lindsay has helped me learn that while it’s ok to not be ok, we can find the courage within us to never give up.”

-Taylor R. | New Orleans, LA